月別アーカイブ: 2019年11月

All of our gust rooms will be renovated to private rooms from February, 2020.

We will renovate our guest rooms from two private rooms and two dormitories to “four private rooms”in February,2020. 


All of guest rooms will be renovated to private rooms and all of them will be designed deferent interiors.


Shared spaces (open kitchen, tatami lounge area, bathrooms and shower rooms) are not changed in this renovation project, so you will share these spaces with other guests as a same with before renovation.


We will close the guest house from around first of January to end of January in 2020 for those renovations.


We will announce about new rooms of designs, capacities and rates in around early December in this blog.

We hope you will stay more comfortable and cozy after renovation.


We look forward to seeing you soon!